1. Write programs in Java to demonstrate the use of following components Text fields, buttons, Scrollbar, Choice, List and Check box
2. Write Java programs to demonstrate the use of various Layouts like Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid layout, Grid bag layout and card layout
3. Write programs in Java to create applets incorporating the following features:
• Create a color palette with matrix of buttons
• Set background and foreground of the control text area by selecting a color from color palette.
• In order to select Foreground or background use check box control as radio buttons
• To set background images
4. Write programs in Java to do the following.
2. Write Java programs to demonstrate the use of various Layouts like Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid layout, Grid bag layout and card layout
3. Write programs in Java to create applets incorporating the following features:
• Create a color palette with matrix of buttons
• Set background and foreground of the control text area by selecting a color from color palette.
• In order to select Foreground or background use check box control as radio buttons
• To set background images
4. Write programs in Java to do the following.
• Set the URL of another server.
• Download the homepage of the server.
• Display the contents of home page with date, content type, and Expiration date. Last modified and length of the home page.
5. Write programs in Java using sockets to implement the following:
• HTTP request
• POP3
6. Write a program in Java for creating simple chat application with datagram sockets and datagram packets.
7. Write programs in Java using Servlets:
• To invoke servlets from HTML forms
• To invoke servlets from Applets
8. Write programs in Java to create three-tier applications using servlets
• for conducting on-line examination.
• for displaying student mark list. Assume that student information is available in a database which has been stored in a database server.
9. Create a web page with the following using HTML
i) To embed a map in a web page
ii) To fix the hot spots in that map
iii) Show all the related information when the hot spots are clicked.
10. Create a web page with the following.
i) Cascading style sheets.
ii) Embedded style sheets.
iii) Inline style sheets.
iv) Use our college information for the web pages.
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